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In this web-site [constantly updated] there are collected some artistical pictures about the Passion of Jesus Christ. They are divided by ages between Crucifixion, Deposition and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

There are 912 masterpieces, more or less known, that we obtained through the ages and they are the result of some painters, sculptors, glassworkers and miniaturists' interpretations... of the Christianity's great mistery.

There is a list of the artistical pictures of Jesus Christ's Passion, divided by artist (313).

There is also a list of the artistical pictures of Jesus Christ's Passion, in chronological order.

The assembling desire of this web-site was born from a long time contemplation on the masterpieces in my parish church: a huge wooden crucifix, where Jesus expresses the pain of a crucified man, this crucifix is in front of a "piety" in which Mary with loving care looks after the body of her dead Son, but she does it, looking forward in the bronze statue's direction of the raisen again Christ, and there she sees hope and the confirmation of a new life.

We know that Jesus Christ is dead and reisen again for us,

" if Christ didn't come to life again, then our faith is vain"(1Cor 15,4).

God sacrificed his only Son for our salvation.

As a matter of fact it is on the Passion, on the Death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ that we base our Christian faith, we believe that after the death, a cruel, crude and terrible death, Jesus rose again from the death leaving us the great commandment of Love.

The rest of the site is in Italian.